Dr. John Woell | Dr. Elizabeth Woell Rhode | Dr. Amanda Steffes

1717 East 66th Street, Richfield, MN 55423


4 Seasons Rec Monthly Meeting Minutes January 26th, 2019

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4 Seasons Rec Club Meeting Notes                                         Meeting Date 01/26/19

Meeting called to order by President Chuck Youngquist.

Treasure’s report – Treasure’s report was read by Jean.   Report was approved by a Billy / Lawrence motion. Motion accepted unanimously.

Jean stated she had filed the 501 status for the club.

Secretary’s report – The last meeting minutes were read by Jenn. Chuck suggested one amendment in which the club recognizes and thanks Doris Youngquist for he many years of dedicated service as the club secretary.   Motion to accept the treasures report was a Loren / Doris motion. Unanimous approval.

New Members – New members report read by Betti. Welcome to Greg Liautaud, Jason Brouellette, Suzy Cox, Joe Neubauer, Shawn Madonna, Cathie Tidball and Joe and Laurie Sorenson.

Correspondence – Chuck presented a letter from Chetek regarding their Winter Fest Event.

-22nd Annual Groomer Conference is scheduled for February 6th and 7th in St. Germaine, WI

-We received a letter from Senator Janet Bewley thanking the club for the trail ride and our volunteer efforts.

-Jean wanted to extend a huge Thank You to Doris for the write up on our fall ride which was in the AWSC magazine.



Trail Report – Mike rated the trails at an 8.5 / 10 on a scale of excellence! They are in good shape. Mike suggests going out on Monday or Tuesday to groom with the forecast of impending snow.

Meat raffles – are scheduled for February 2nd and February 16th at the Chipmunk. Volunteers are needed. Doris will send out an email requesting volunteers if no one is available.

Tracks for Groomer / Groomer maintenance – Tracks are good and should be good for another year. Maintenance was discussed for the next year. Groomer operators were reminded to check the oil before you go out to groom and to also double check that the door has been closed.



Northwest Tails Report – Chuck shared that there is nothing new in the NW Trails Report.

Business Appreciation Tour – Discussion ensued regarding the Business Appreciation Tour and the potential date. The club is looking for someone to take over the task of planning the event this year. A few dates were discussed and there are no volunteers as of today.

Review of Club Operating, Event/liquor, Building and Equipment Insurance – Discussion occurred regarding the amount of insurance we currently have, the cost for the insurances and if there is a need to change or increase the insurance.   The motion was to keep the insurance as it is currently and pay the current premiums. Motion was made by Loren / Doris and agreed upon unanimously.

Club House Expansion – Chuck started a discussion regarding potential Club House expansion and the options he has looked at. Other options were discussed as well. The group brainstormed ideas and tabled the issue for further discussion.

We received a thank you from Chuck and Patti for our donation to the Wascott Childrens Christmas Party.

Meeting adjourned on a Loren / Doris motion. Unanimously carried.


Next meeting is scheduled for February 23rd, 2019 at 10 am.


Meeting minutes submitted by Jenn Pritchard on 02/03/2019.

Respectfully Submitted;

Jenn Pritchard, Secretary

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